市场营销专业? 6 Minors to Shape Your Career Path - bwin体育大学-bwin体育

市场营销专业? 6 Minors to Shape Your Career Path

Picture of 市场营销专业? 6 Minors to Shape Your Career Path

If you’ve chosen to major in marketing in college (or you’re considering doing so), you’ve already made a great choice. The marketing industry is growing rapidly, fueled by continued 高于平均水平的增长 in digital marketing careers.

If you’re wondering what jobs marketing majors get, the answer is likely much broader than you would expect. That’s because the marketing world is as varied as the businesses and entities that need to be marketed. Everyone from enterprise businesses to religious nonprofits needs marketing support.

General marketing knowledge and skills are a necessity across many fields, but those seeking a career in marketing may need an additional specialization or focus beyond core marketing classes.

We hear a lot of prospective and current students who wonder: Are minors worth it? In the world of marketing, the answer is usually an emphatic yes!

Choosing a well-aligned minor can be a great way to get into a specialized field and help shape your career path. Not only will you gain industry-specific knowledge, but you’ll also distinguish yourself from other entry-level applicants who lack a specific minor focus.

Not sure what minors go well with a marketing major? Consider these six minors offered at Geneva, each of which pairs well with a Bachelor of Science in Marketing.

  1. 业务

It goes without saying that a significant majority of the marketing industry’s client base is made up of businesses. Decision-makers at those businesses can quickly grow frustrated by a marketing agency (or internal marketing staff) that relies too heavily on awesome creative and too light on real-world results.

辅修了 工商管理, you’ll learn skills across the broad functional areas of business, 比如商业营销, 管理, 金融, 经济学, 等等....... Get the business knowledge and familiarity with the lingo and culture of the business world so that you can better serve business clients from your position in marketing.

  1. 沟通

沟通 is the key to success in a wide range of fields, and marketing is no exception. If you can develop strong, professional communication skills, you’ll be better suited to meet any human challenges that come your way.

添加一个 通信小 to a marketing degree can help position you to take on public relations or writing-centric marketing roles. It can also simply help you refine your communication skills, which is valuable in nearly any marketing role. With stronger communication skills, you’ll be better at pitching to clients, 工作的领导, and collaborating with internal and external teams.

  1. 音乐行业

As any successful career musician (famous or otherwise) will tell you, the key to success in music is more than musical skill alone. True musician-entrepreneurs need business and marketing skills so they can better leverage their musical gifts.

The same is true for more commercially minded artists, though they tend to rely more heavily on outside help for the marketing and business aspects of their operations.

Once again, marketing within the music business requires a deeper level of specialization. Artists and organizations who have reached the point of wanting help with their marketing will tend to look for agencies that have experience with the music business.

So if you want to find marketing jobs that cater to the music industry, adding a 音乐商务辅修 to your marketing studies will equip you for that path.

  1. 写作

In the world of digital marketing, content is king. Images, audio, and video all qualify, of course. But at the core of all marketing content, you’ll find the written word.

Nearly every facet of marketing relies on written content in some form. Polished end-client content needs to be perfect, both tonally and grammatically. But so do scripts, captions, marketing blurbs, internal and client communications, and so much more.

If you have a passion for the written side of marketing, adding a 写小 can help you polish those skills and broaden your writing horizons.

  1. 体育运动管理

At the risk of growing repetitive, sports organizations also need marketing help, and they also tend to favor marketing agencies and internal hires with sports-specific training and experience. A business-oriented marketer might not be as quick to adapt to the language and culture of a sports team as would a marketer-athlete or marketer-coach.

So, once again, if your end goal is to 工作 in marketing within the world of sports, adding a 体育管理辅修 to your marketing major will equip you to do so. You’ll learn theories and principles of 管理 applied to sports — and you’ll be able to tie those things in to your marketing studies.

  1. 通信设计

Offered as a concentration within the communication major, 通信设计 combines a focus on design thinking within a particular discipline, 比如插图, 图形, 或事件.

Marketing agencies often hire or contract with illustrators or graphic designers (among many other specializations). But perhaps you seek to accomplish or offer more than just a pure technical or creative skill. 研究 通信设计 can round out your philosophy and approach to your discipline so that you can develop more effective messaging and experiences. It’s an ideal addition for a creative-minded marketing professional looking to round out creative communication skills.

bwin体育大学 Offers Marketing with a Purpose

Whichever minor you choose, bwin体育大学 offers you a well-rounded education, one with a purpose: In all our teaching, we seek to equip students for faithful and fruitful service to God and neighbor.

bwin体育bwin体育, you’ll learn marketing (along with the minor discipline of your choice) from a biblical worldview and ethic. You’ll be equipped for a lifetime of learning, 工作, 和服务, with a clearer understanding of how the Christian faith applies to the marketplace (and all of life).

If you’d like to know more about Geneva’s B.S. in Marketing, reach out to admissions today.

Opinions expressed in the bwin体育的博客 are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The bwin体育的博客 is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, 学术见解, and contribute to national 谈话s to spark thought, 谈话, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.



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